Planned by experts, our training programs are completely based on the active process learning principles and that differentiates us from the crowd & makes it Premium. We deliver to our promise & put our customers priority first. We understand the need of customers very well, that makes all our customers smile.

We shape attitudes, develop knowledge and skills and influence organizations in three key areas: Individual Effectiveness, Benefit to Organisation and Satisfied customer. To guide you toward achieving goals, we offer research, training, consulting and coaching. We also recommend ways to implement solutions that will put newly acquired competence into action. Employees gain the motivation, skills and tools to change their behavior effectively and increase competence. With our hands-on approach, results are measurable.

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KIRAN JAIN is an Entrepreneur, a Leader, a Public Speaker, a Parent and a Travel & Adventure Enthusiast who loves to explore the world.

Having 15 years of enrich cross country and cross culture work experience in India, Europe and South East Asia, She is a Certified Soft Skills Trainer and is now training and coaching people to be successful in their personal and professional life. She has conducted many training for corporates, organisations, institutions and societies. Focusing on Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Etiquette and Leadership Skills, she claims that these trainings mould a person into a successful social person along with personal and professional development.

Her passion is to support and be part of people’s journey as they make transition into new behaviors, new situations, new roles, new companies or new geographies. She has expertise in adopting a global perspective and understanding the nuances of working with multi-cultural and virtual teams. Kiran uses her diverse professional background to bring in a broad perspective and pragmatic approach to behavior change and getting measurable results.

Kiran has been editor of a Magazine and also has written a book on Belief System; “Belief-The Power that defines Destiny”. Certified for Happiness program on “How to have a Happy and Fulfilled Life” from ISB and “Science of Happiness” from Berkeley Institute of Well Being, she is dedicated to bring happiness in lives of people.

"The 6 days of Soft Skills have been an amazing learning journey with Ms. Kiran. We learnt how to communicate and behave in a professional world.

She taught us very minute tips about day to day life in professional environment."

- Trainees of Cognigant Technology System, Pune. India